Philosophy - FRIWO

FRIWO Philosophy

Find out about our mission

Our target

vision and mission


“Our passion is what fuels us in our bid to become the most recognized company in the industry.”


“FRIWO is the first choice when it comes to sophisticated and innovative power supply solutions.”

We can only achieve our goals as clearly defined as part of our mission and vision through responsible action toward our employees, customers, and the environment.

Our actions always focus on the needs of our customers. We act as a partner toward them and offer solutions for current and future requirements. In doing so, we cement our commitment to continuous innovation, highest quality, and excellent service.

Our brand promise

We want to use our products and services to supply our customers’ applications with the necessary power and also give their products that little bit extra every day. To meet this promise, we stand by our four core competencies: reliable premium quality, absolute customer optimization, smart intelligence, and innovative strength.

Markenversprechen von FRIWO
Our responsibility

Join us as we consider that responsibility means

As an international company, we employ more than 2,500 employees and consider ourselves responsible for them and their families. Finding the right work-life balance is of paramount importance at FRIWO. Our focus on this ensures that we and our customers are served by a highly motivated and committed workforce.

Continuous innovation is a way for us to break new ground when it comes to sustainability. Optimizing the use of resources in the manufacture of our products is key for this. At the same time, we continuously reduce the amount of energy our devices consume and involve our products in sustainable markets such as electromobility. To this end, we maintain and cultivate an open knowledge exchange network and learn from one another and together every day.

Through our ecological, economic, and social commitment, we counted as one of only eight companies in the German electrical industry to receive an award from Focus Money magazine in 2019 in the “Germany’s Most Valuable Companies” category.

Sustainability-Report 2023
Our values

Get to know our values

With our products and services, we not only want to provide your application with the necessary “power”, but also make our customers and their products a little bit better every day. To live up to this promise, we rely on our four core competencies:
Highly reliable quality, absolute customer orientation, smart intelligence, innovative strength.

Future and result

We are focused on success, thereby securing our future.

Our behavior

  • We see innovation as an essential factor in our future success.
  • We measure our success by customer satisfaction.
  • We do everything we can to improve our performance in the long term.
  • We consider constant improvement a key goal.
  • We exchange ideas globally and seize opportunities.
  • We set ambitious targets and measure ourselves against the best.
  • We create sustainable value for our customers, employees, partners and shareholders.
Responsability and sustainability

We act responsibly, taking our impact on the environment and society into account.

Our behavior

  • We achieve sustainable success.
  • We are role models in our respective roles and functions.
  • We take personal responsibility for quality.
  • We dare to try new approaches.
  • We act responsibly by treating our environment with respect and care.
  • We uphold and protect human rights at our company and within our supply chain.
Initiative and consistency

We take initiative, and act responsibly and consistently as we pursue our goals.

Our behavior

  • We independently gather the information we consider important.
  • We identify with agreed goals and do everything we can to achieve them.
  • We take responsibility for our success.
  • We aim for optimum performance and constant improvement.
  • We see our tasks through to the end, together and for each other.
  • Our decisions are consistently oriented towards commercial aims and, where necessary, we are prepared to say no.
Communication and trust

We communicate openly and in a timely manner, to ensure trusting cooperation.

Our behavior

  • We trust FRIWO and our colleagues, and trust in our own abilities.
  • We exchange information for the benefit of our own work and the work of others.
  • We provide regular information on the status of our activities and the achievement of goals, and communicate changes at an early stage.
  • We openly consider our assessments, acquire the required knowledge and skills, and keep them up to date.
Reliability, credibility and cooperation

We understand our commitments as obligations and always comply with applicable laws.

Our behavior

  • We contribute our abilities to the team and work constructively and cooperatively with colleagues, partners and customers.
  • We make working with us as simple as possible for our customers and partners.
  • We act respectfully.
  • We back up our words with actions.
  • We value diverse opinions and ideas.
  • We see integrity as the focus of our daily activities.
  • We always act and make decisions in a transparent and comprehensible manner.