News - FRIWO


News and stories about technology
of today and tomorrow


Advanced MC1.5-55A-48V Motor Control Unit Developed Specifically for 2- and 3-Wheeled Vehicles.

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Industrial IoT: Efficiently Controlling Production Facilities from the Cloud - FRIWO, Zühlke, and AWS Create a Groundbreaking and Globally Scalable IT Ecosystem for Managing Globally Distributed Production Lines

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Together with Jordan Reflektoren and Design3, FRIWO has developed an innovative E-Bike charging station. This groundbreaking collaboration fills a crucial market gap and shapes the future of electromobility.

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With pride, we unveil the inauguration of Plant IV in the esteemed Amata Business Park. This expansion signifies not just growth, but also a commitment to innovation and quality. Discover how Plant IV fortifies our position in the manufacturing sector and opens new horizons.

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Insights from Within Our Company: Exclusive Interview by CEO Magazine with Our CEO, Mr. Schwirz

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Coronavirus / COVID-19 / SARS-CoV-2

The coronavirus SARS-CoV2 is currently dominating world affairs. We at FRIWO take the fight in solidarity against this novel virus very seriously and try to live up to our responsibility towards society, our customers and our employees in equal measure.

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Ostbevern, 04.02.2020 - As an innovative system provider for power supply and drive technology, the German company FRIWO focuses on the rapidly growing market of electric mobility in addition to other target markets such as medical technology, battery-powered tools or industrial applications.

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Together with the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre of the University of Applied Sciences in Münster, we have carried out a detailed market research project to uncover innovation potential in the use of power supplies in medical technology.

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FRIWO among Germany's 300 most valuable companies

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Medical technology event in Nuremberg

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With the devices FOX30-C and FOX40-C, FRIWO offers new members of its charger family as standard with medical approval according to IEC60601-1

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Free tickets available for the exhibition

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• Power supply and charger manufacturer acquires 100 percent stake in Emerge-Engineering GmbH
• Individually adaptable control software enables new features and functions for numerous products in all FRIWO target markets in the future
• Significant positive impact on Group growth and earnings expected
• CEO Rolf Schwirz: "Emerge engineering is a technological pearl with which FRIWO significantly increases its competitiveness"

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Auch FRIWO mit von der Partie

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Medical industry meets in Düsseldorf

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Noise immunity of power supplies according to IEC 61000-4-4 und IEC61000-4-5

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For the first time ever, a unit of FRIWO's new charger line, the FOX90-C, is also available as medically approved standard product according to IEC60601-1

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Power Supply FOX18

Flexible power supply unit offers high efficiency

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IEC 61000-4-3: Störfestigkeit gegen hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder

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New LED driver series with protection class IP67

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Medical technology event in Stuttgart

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FRIWO’s Vietnamese in-house transformer and choke production manufactures for customers

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For many applications the use of lithium-ion cells requires an estimate of the expected battery pack's life. This consideration is an important aspect not only for direct application, but also for the definition of service intervals, and last but not least for storage.
The life of a battery pack is determined essentially by two factors:
Cyclical and calendrical aging. This paper provides an overview of these two aging processes and their significance.

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Highly efficient power supply unit offers maximum flexibility

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TÜV Nord issued quality management system certificate for medical products

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New powerful open-frame product line

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Battery packs from FRIWO

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IEC 60601-1-11:2015 – special requirements

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Appreciation by medical trade magazine

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MRSA and its consequences for medical electric devices

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• Hervorragender Start in 2013 mit 29,3 Mio. Euro Umsatz im 1. Quartal
• Anhaltend hohe Nachfrage aus allen Bereichen
• Operatives Quartalsergebnis auf 1,0 Mio. Euro verbessert
• Deutliche Umsatzsteigerung auch im Gesamtjahr 2013 erwartet

Der FRIWO-Konzern hat einen erfreulichen Start ins Geschäftsjahr 2013 verzeichnet. Umsatz, Auftragseingänge und Ergebnis lagen durchweg über den Vorquartalen und über den Erwartungen. Die bereits im zweiten Halbjahr 2012 verzeichnete deutliche Geschäftsbelebung konnte fortgesetzt werden.

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• Vorstand erläutert auf Hauptversammlung langfristige Wachstumspotenziale im Markt für Stromversorgungen
• Neuwahl der Vertreter der Anteilseigner im Aufsichtsrat
Bei der FRIWO AG setzt sich der Aufwärtstrend im operativen Geschäft fort. „Wir haben den Schwung des zweiten Halbjahres 2012 gehalten und einen guten Start ins laufende Geschäftsjahr gehabt“, berichtete Vorstandsmitglied Lothar Schwemm auf der heutigen ordentlichen Hauptversammlung des Herstellers von hochwertigen Netz- und Ladegeräten der Marke FRIWO.

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